Sunday, January 15, 2017

January 15, 2017 - Day 5

This was a tough weekend for hunger.  I felt so hungry both Saturday and today.  Thankfully, I didn't eat more than my allotted calories yesterday, and went just over today so it should all balance out.  I was having sweets cravings, and carb cravings like crazy.

I made a gluten free banana bread, stayed away from flour but had more sugar this weekend than I should. 

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.  I enjoyed what I did have and it should now pass.  I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in AGES this weekend - boredom.  I know when I am bored I eat so I am not too surprised by the fact the weekend went down, food wise, as it did.

Having said that, my skin is breaking out slightly so I am thinking the cleanse is pushing out the toxins so that part is kinda cool. 

Listened to a wonderful webinar on the amazing uses of Essential oils and made a roller ball with Lavender, Tea Tree and Frank for my skin issues.  Rolling on my hand, and legs 2-3 times a day to see if it improves things. 

This week I have a big learning/study plan in place so lots of "sitting".  Signed up for unlimited access to GAIA yoga programs today so will be sure to keep doing that.  Great for lunch breaks when I don't want to go out and spend money - stay in and get limber.

5 down, 25 to go.  No photos to show as no real changes happening YET.

I have great hopes - and on day 10 the GX Assist comes into play so bring on the clean out.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 14, 2017 - Day 4

What a lazy Saturday.  Not much to report OTHER than I had a sugar craving meltdown tonight and had some yummy Lindt Sea Salt chocolate.  OMG it was totally worth the cheat.

Now I am back on track.

Joined in on an amazing Essential Oil webinar today - got lots of new recipes, one for eczema that I made a roller ball with and have applied it to my "ringworm".  I don't know if it is actually ringworm, but it is round and won't go away so I am calling it that :)

...not a lot to report.  Took all my pills, everything is moving along well. Still struggling to get all the water I SHOULD drink in, and I am down 2.5 lbs now since Jan 1.

4 down, 26 to go.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Januart 13, 2017 - Day 3

Eeek.  Friday the 13th today!

I am really excited as I think I am noticing a change in the look of the biggest two "welts" on my leg.  I am watching it closely but, from what I have read, DDR Prime is the BEST for skin conditions and I am taking that in my AM and PM pill "shot".

Feeling great overall.  I am down a few pounds while following a whole food diet and cleansing.  I am not doing anything overly crazy other than logging all my food on My Fitness Pal, staying under my allotted calorie intake (as I am also no a weight loss journey in addition to the cleanse).  I have cut out wheat, dairy (as much as I can), alcohol and sugar.  I still have my coffee (black), non dairy daiya yogurt if I am in a real pinch for a treat, and if I feel like a "treat", I will have one!

I heard something recently that really stuck with me - whenever we change our eating habits for the better, we often feel like we have to "cut out" food - which as soon as someone tells me I can't have something, I want it more.  What I learned recently was not to think about what is best not to eat, but think about what I can eat more of - what can I add to my diet to make me more healthy.  That way of thinking leaves me feeling like I can have "more" not "less" - and that really resonated with me so I am going with it. 

I am finding that "detoxing" from the sugar, alcohol and wheat before I started the cleanse is making the actual cleanse a breeze.  It was also a major pro to put all the supplements together for the 30 days in AM, afternoon, and PM baggies.  It's just so easy.  My daughter keeps me on track by asking "Mommy, did you take your pills today!". 

Tonight we are going to watch Finding Dory at my daughters school so I will want to put some healthy snacks together for the trip.  I think homemade popcorn and real butter might be a good treat for both me and my girl - and then she can splurge on all the yummy treats the PAC sells for a good cause.

Off we go to get on with our day.  TGIF.

January 12, 2017 - Day 2

So yesterday was a success.  I took my first pack of pills around 11:30 am after I had my breakfast.  I felt a bit odd - almost woozy - and then that passed.  I worked very had to keep to the whole food diet I am trying to stick to, AND struggled to get all my water in. 

One thing that I find tough is trying to eat clean with a family that is not working on the "plan" I am.  My husband does his best to accommodate my requests...but because this is not my first or second or third, even, what he would call "fad" - it's hard to get the buy in from him.

What is different about this cleanse - this "program" - is how invested I am in my oils and getting to the bottom of the skin issues I am seeing creep up all over my body.  This motivates me more than anything ever has to keep on track. 

Today is a new day.  So far, so good.  Finding my appetite to be much less - but I can contribute a lot of this to the fact I got off wheat and dairy (and alcohol) for 10 days before I started the cleanse.

I am feeling great - no cravings (salt or sugar), no afternoon "hit the wall" symptoms. 

One thing I am grateful for is, in the last few years I have had to take a lot of vitamins and supplements so I learned to take a whole lot of pills all at once after a while.  My AM and PM pill routine is quite extensive - but I put them in the palm of my hand and "shoot" them with water to get 'er done.  The bonus, these ones taste and smell of sweet sweet essential oils! 

Tonight, Oliver made me zucchini pasta with meatballs.  Yum! 

So far so good - very happy with how things are going. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11, 2017 - Day 1

Who says you need to start a new health program on January 1st - not me! 

I just got my 30 day Cleanse and Restore kit from do Terra in the mail yesterday and I am raring to go. 

The purpose of recording my journey is mainly for me to keep on track and document my day to day feelings and thoughts, but if there is even one person out there that is interested in following along, I will give a bit of a background story about me.

I am a 42, a mother of an amazing 6 year old daughter, and a step mom to an awesome 13 year old young man.  I live in Maple Ridge, British Columbia with my hubby, and we have been in this life together for 9 years this year.

We have been through it all - in my past a divorce and in his a child custody battle that took years to settle.  When we got together, we connected in a way that we knew we would be in it for the long haul.  We moved in together in 6 months, tried for our first child within the first year - had a miscarriage.  Devastated, we tried again and voila - we were off and running again with our little bean later that year. 

To our shock, I was diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer at 24 weeks pregnant.  A barrage of doctors and specialists later, the plan was derived.  Surgery to remove the cancer, planned baby c section, chemo, radiation, surgery, surgery, and more surgery - nearly 7 years later.  Cancer free, healthy baby girl, Oliver and Aidan in tow...and that leads us to today.

Now, as you can imagine, that was the coles notes version and the full day in day out version is posted in my blog at

Today, I reflect on the journey me and my family and have been through - and I feel blessed and grateful to be alive day in and day out.  I have an amazing job, an incredible support system with an abundance of friends and family, and I really couldn't ask for more in my life.  I can only get better from here.

Having said all that, I am a few years older, and my body has taken a beating from all that it has had to endure for me over the past years.  Most recently, my weight has escalated rapidly and I am noticing a lot of skin imperfections starting on my legs many months back, and now it seems to be creeping up onto the upper half of my body.  I am not a fan of these circular, red, scaly, often painful little buggers.

I recently was introduced to do Terra Essential Oils - and I am SO in love with everything these oils and the company who makes them is about.  If you want to learn more, I will leave you to check out their website and let me know if you have any questions. 

One of the kits available is a Cleanse and Restore kit - and while I have tried many different detox and cleanses in the past, I am super stoked to start the do Terra 30 day program TODAY.

My goal in 2017 is to get my body back.  Some evil devil invaded it once and I will not stand to have him or any other evil devil enter it again.  I started the new year with eliminating alcohol from my routine.  I have also been logging my caloric intake, and activity, every day since the new year turned over.  Today I add to the plan with the beginning of the cleanse with the overall hope that not only will it invigorate my entire body, but it will help shake these awful skin impairments. 

Cross your fingers, cause here I go.